Surprise delivery from IRS creates more tax trouble for North St. Louis County family

ST. LOUIS — A stack of tax documents has Brennen Woolfolk steaming.

“Infuriating because you already work all year to get these things and then you have your children’s stuff that’s supposed to be sacred, but I guess not all the time is that the case,” said Woolfolk.

Woolfolk was attempting to complete his taxes online when he learned his son’s identity was stolen and used as part of what was likely a fraudulent tax filing. He says he alerted the IRS and followed the instructions he was given.

“Print out the identity affidavit he sent over. Print out our state and federal taxes. Apply them together and mail them to Kansas City,” said Woolfolk.

That was April. Flash forward to June and Woolfolk says he still didn’t know if his taxes were accepted. He called the IRS.

“She was just like that; we haven’t gotten it yet. I’ve looked your name up. It was crazy because, how haven’t you gotten it? It’s been two months. She swore they didn’t have it and the only real option she gave me to resolve it was to continuously call and keep calling,” said Woolfolk.

A few days later, a box arrived at Woolfolk’s house from the IRS office in Kansas City, Missouri. Inside were his tax forms. One IRS Kansas City stamp shows the envelope Brennen sent was postmarked April 12th. Another stamp shows the IRS “received” his taxes on April 16th.

“It was a headscratcher for me, because I thought you guys didn’t get anything. So how are you sending me something back and then never notifying me of it? It just fell at my front door. I never would have seen this coming,” said Woolfolk.

It turns out there was another surprise inside the box.

“This is mine right here. And this is someone else’s,” said Woolfolk.

Yes, Woolfolk was sent dozens of tax documents belonging to a stranger.

“A lot of personal information. Addresses. Work information. Just a whole lot of different stuff on a different guy. It’s not mine. I don’t even know the guy,” said Woolfolk.

Woolfolk says the discovery added insult to injury.

“What started everything was that my son’s identity was stolen. And if it’s as simple as you guys sending people other people’s identities, it puts me in the mind of maybe that’s what happened to me,” said Woolfolk.

An IRS spokesperson told FOX 2 that they’re looking into the matter and reaching out to the taxpayer. They say they’ve shared Woolfolk’s story with the Taxpayer Advocate Service in St. Louis. FOX 2 is hopeful that it’s a big step towards resolving this issue for Woolfolk and his family.

“It’s already been a long time. It’s getting in the way of a lot of things. As quick as possible, honestly. ASAP,” said Woolfolk.

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