SLPS board approves $40M strategy for student transportation

ST. LOUIS – The SLPS Board of Education voted to implement a $40 million alternative transportation strategy plan that will utilize a patchwork of 19 different transportation providers Tuesday night.

Better Education Partners presented a five-point strategy plan, which included medical vans and rideshare services for Metro Bus passes for high school students. Safety was the main concern for the board.

“What I’m trying to ensure that we are ensuring our families that were giving and providing the upmost when it comes to safety and security when it comes to transporting the children,” Antionette Cousins, board of education president, said.

After hours of discussion, several issues were raised, including the impact on students schedules and potential safety concerns with new bell times and public transit use.

“We’re going to be working with security officers at the bus stops. We’re also looking at a program where we’re going to have volunteers to be at the bus stops at certain times,” a Better Education Partner representative said.

Seven board members voted yes to the new plan. The board will start to implement quarterly transportation meetings to receive feedback from the public.

A meeting will be held Aug. 6 for transportation solutions.

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