Riverfront Times resurfaces with mysterious activity

ST. LOUIS — Something is going on at the Riverfront Times. Their website and social media have been dormant since the sale three weeks ago. Now, we’re seeing sparks of life, but it isn’t clear who or what’s behind the activity.

The Riverfront Times was sold to an unknown buyer in May, leading to the layoff of its entire staff without severance pay. Founded in 1977 by Ray Hartmann, the RFT has been a significant part of the local media landscape, leaving readers shocked and concerned about its future.

St. Louis Public Radio’s Abby Llorico noticed a new post on RiverfrontTimes.com today. The story about Missouri’s governor denying clemency to a man on death row may have been published on June 12, days after that news broke. Plus, there is no follow-up to that news about this week’s execution.

This is author Ryan Smith‘s only article on the website. He does not have a bio online and the writing style is getting interesting criticism on X.

There’s also some movement on social media. The Riverfront Times recently retweeted Sauce Magazine’s post about bars celebrating Pride Month with specials. This is interesting because the RFT’s former owner purchased Sauce Magazine in 2023. So, it is a little odd that they would re-tweet a publication from a different owner.

It isn’t clear what this all means. A lot of people want to know who purchased the newspaper and what’s next there. It appears that we may be getting some clues.

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