Republican Scumbags Want To Hire Kyle Rittenhouse As Congressional Intern

During an appearance on Newsmax this week, Congressman Matt Gaetz defended Kyle Rittenhouse (not uncommon for the Right) but he then went a step further by suggesting that he may have his office reach out to see if he’d be interested in a Congressional internship. The Right is so desperate for attention that will literally scrape the bottom of the barrel to latch onto the flavor of the week, as Farron Cousins explains.

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Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz said during an interview on Newsmax this week that he would like to reach out, have his staff reach out to Kyle Rittenhouse, to see if he might be interested in becoming a congressional intern for him. Here’s what gates said. He deserves a not guilty verdict. And I sure hope he gets it because you know what? Kyle Rittenhouse would probably make a pretty good congressional intern. We may reach out to him and see if he’d be interested in helping the country in additional ways, in additional ways, additional way. So you’re telling me, Matt gates, you think that him killing those two people self-defense or not? Right? Cause this was, you know, there was no verdict when Matt gates said this. So you already made up your mind that he was innocent and that killing these people helped the country because you said help the country in additional ways, which implies that you think something he already did helped the country.

Now I would love to know exactly what the hell you mean by that. Here’s the thing. Rittenhouse is a right wing hero because he killed two people that disagree with him, politically self-defense whatever. I don’t even care about those arguments. Two people are dead because of the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse. That’s indisputable. He doesn’t dispute that either, but he’s a hero. And he allegedly made the country better by doing this written house is obviously not the first right wing person to become a hero for doing something horrible. Think back year and a half ago, maybe not even that long, the McCloskey he’s from Missouri, you know, the St. Louis gun couple out there on their front lawn, brandishing firearms. As protesters walked past their property, they became right-wing heroes. How he ran for he was going to run is as is for the Senate. They were all over Fox news.

They were heroes because of what they did for a time. Even George Zimmerman was a hero among the right. So all you have to do to win sainthood within the Republican party is either kill or threatened to kill people. They don’t like, that’s what this is. That’s what today’s Republican party is. And it’s been this way again. George Zimmerman, since before Trump even came along, they lift these people up as martyrs, as heroes for taking the lives of others. That’s not something that we should be rewarding here in the United States. That’s not something either political party should be championing, regardless of the circumstances around the, the, the, the deaths. I don’t care about that people’s lives were ended that shouldn’t have been ended. If those individuals hadn’t inserted themselves into those situations, all of those people would still be alive today. And now Matt gates saying he wants this kid maybe to come work for him. What do you think, Matt, he’s going to hook you up with girls his age. This is deplorable. Hillary Clinton was right about that. It’s a basket of deplorables step. I think it’s bigger than a basket. It’s a whole party of deplorables.


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