“Pausing” Bombs in Gaza threatens American daycares

Ann Wagner says that the superficial “pause” in bombs sent to Gaza threatens military contractors’ ability to pay their mortgages, car payments, and daycare costs.

House Foreign Affairs Committee, May 22, 2024

“Have any divisions within State conducted and any economic analysis to the measure and the impact of potential even job losses and furlows because of your decision to pause this pending arm sale? And if not, why not? Because you know what, sir, my constituents in St. Louis greater metropolitan area … this whole region, they rely on these jobs to pay for their mortgages, their car payments, the daycare costs and they can’t afford to lose their jobs to support this partisan stall tactic. They’re sitting in a warehouse 6,500 of them ..”

Source: Reuters, @ 1 hr 3 min 17 sec



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