MFPD conducts mass casualty training – St. Louis Call Newspapers

The Mehlville Fire Protection District conducted mass casualty incident (MCI) training May 6-8.

The training focused on assessing and responding to a simulated bus crash scenario. Students from Lindbergh High School acted as hurt patients with varying degrees of injuries, challenging MFPD personnel to prioritize and administer care under pressure. The school bus used was donated by the Mehlville School District.

The bus used in the simulation was donated by the Mehlville School District. Training was led by Battalion Chief EMS Training Officer Darick Day. (Photo by Ellie Marshall)

The training was led by Battalion Chief EMS Training Officer Darick Day and supported by Battalion Chief Fire Training Officer Zach Absolon and Director of Mobile Integrated Health Jenny Rieker.

“The MCI Training is essential for our crews to enhance their coordination, communication and patient assessment skills in a realistic setting,” Day stated in a press release. “We simulate scenarios that closely mirror the challenges of real-life incidents, ensuring that our responders are well-prepared to deliver the highest standard of care during emergencies.”

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