Green Park renews leases at city hall; approves other housekeeping items – St. Louis Call Newspapers

The Green Park Board of Aldermen discussed and passed a variety of housekeeping items at its April 15 meeting, including redoing the leases of the suites at city hall, hiring an engineering firm to repair the catwalk at city hall and hiring an accounting firm to help manage the city’s budget and financial statements.

Leases at Green Park City Hall

“The leases had gone to month-to-month and the city thought it best for the City and the tenants to secure longer term extensions to the leases if the tenants wanted to do so – and they did,” City Attorney Paul Rost said.

Currently, there are eight suites at city hall. Suites 1, 2 and 3 were renewed, and Suites 5 and 6 are used by the City. Suites 7 and 8 are under current leases, though the “city is in talks with the current tenant(s) at this time about a lease extension” per Rost.

Restorative Psychological Services – tenants since 2014 – renewed Suite 1 for 10 years, Shelter Insurance – tenants since 2016 – renewed Suite 2 for three years plus a two-year option, and Good Samaritan Senior Care – also tenants since 2016 – renewed Suite 3 for four years plus a two-year option.

“The city is blessed to have high-quality tenants who are valued members of the Green Park Community and provide services to Green Park residents and those in the surrounding areas. The city could not be more pleased that its tenants chose to stay in Green Park and to continue their landlord-tenant relationship with the City,” Rost said.

Grimes selected to repair city hall catwalk

The city also selected the local civil engineering and survey services firm, Grimes Consulting Inc., to repair the catwalk at city hall.

“You’ve got the catwalk, the sidewalk in the back –  that is all rusted down. It was a good design at the time, but I think it’s outgrown its life and its design,” City Engineer Derrick Madej said.

The board had the choice between Grimes and EDM, and ultimately chose Grimes as they are local and will likely be able to begin the project sooner than EDM, who would not be able to begin until “way past Aug. 1.”

“Speaking to the gentleman at EDM, they’re slammed right now and they’re backed up. They do a good job, they both do good work. Both are very qualified. I think we can get faster attention right now from Grimes,” Mayor Tim Thuston said.

Negotiations with Grimes will begin as soon as possible. If both parties are happy with the proposed contract, the city will “officially” select them, but if it doesn’t work out for whatever reason, negotiations with EDM will begin instead.

Blume Accounting and Tax Services hired to prepare annual budget

In the spirit of reorganization, the city hired Jeff Blume of Blume Accounting and Tax Services LLC to prepare the city’s annual budget, budget amendments, the six month financial statement, monthly financial statement and audit materials. The contract is for two years, with the city reserving the option to extend the contract by a year for a third year.

“Jeff’s done a tremendous amount of work. We looked closely at some of his work that he did for the various municipalities, and it’s very extensive, it’s very detailed,” Thuston said. “This will give us another professional set of eyes working with the city’s assets. We are continuing our working relationship and services as we have had previously with Sikich LLP for annual auditing and any guidance.”

Though registered in Missouri, Blume resides in Wisconsin. This was brought up by the board, though Blume assured them that the majority of the work can be done remotely. He added that he comes into town between three and five times a year, coordinating those visits with presentations at various board or finance committee meetings.

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