Fox News Cuts All Ties With Matt Gaetz

A new report from Business Insider this week said that Fox News has officially cut all ties with Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz and that he is no longer welcome on their network. This isn’t surprising, considering the scandal that the Congressman is embroiled in, but the network must really think that Gaetz is guilty in order to excommunicate him like this. Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

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In March shortly before in the middle of the month, by the way, the Matt Gaetz scandal broke gates had appeared on Fox news night, teen times. But ever since that fateful appearance on Tucker Carlson, you know, the evening, the story broke and talk, or try to allow him to explain a way the scandal. And he ended up dragging Tucker in with him ever since that appearance, Matt Gaetz has not been on Fox news one single time, not in April, not in may. And so far not in June. And according to a former gate staffer who spoke to business, insider gates has been ex-communicated from Fox news. They do not want to associate with him. They do not want to put him on the air. They do not want to be associated with anything having to do with Matt Gaetz. You know, because of the massive scandal that is, you know, threatening to take down this guy’s entire career.

However, here’s the thing I don’t buy it. I don’t buy the fact that Fox news is only not having him on the air because of the scandal. He hasn’t been charged with anything. Fox news over the years has brought on plenty of individuals, even some who had been charged with crimes to go out there and defend themselves. And of course, to have Fox news downplay, what happened, you know, the St Louis gun couple that just, uh, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges this week. Fox news brought them on several times to, uh, you know, come on, even though they were facing criminal charges, you know, they, they, they had on people like Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, okay. These are not, this is not a network that is afraid to put people on the air, even if they’re the targets of investigations. So that’s why I say I don’t buy it.

That’s not why they’re afraid of putting Matt gates on the air. The reason they’re afraid I’ve already explained that because he went on the airwaves and basically through Tucker Carlson under the bus, I think he did it accidentally, but he was like, yeah, remember the time you and I went to dinner and there was that girl there with me. All right. You know, remember you, I know you remember her and, uh, you know, what do you think I paid her? And Tucker’s just in there, like he even had to come back after the break and do a segment like, yeah, that was the most bizarre thing that’s ever happened to me on the air. Wow. No more racism for you. So anyway, I think Fox news is terrified of Matt gates because he’s such an idiot. Like you don’t go on the air with your friend.

Who’s trying to let you clear the air and capture the narrative on the scandal and throw them under the bus. That’s bad form. And Fox news doesn’t want to see something like that happen again. They don’t want any avenues opened up to where the feds may have to look at it and say, well, hold up, maybe we need to go talk to so-and-so at Fox news. Maybe it’s a host. Maybe it’s a producer who knows, maybe it’s Hannity or Tucker who both have close relationships with Matt gates. So that I think is the real reason gates has been. Ex-communicated not because they’re afraid of the scandal, but because they’re afraid of the scandal hitting Fox news.


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