Eclipse roadtrippers set sights on southeast Missouri

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – T-minus three days until eclipse totality passes through Missouri.

Southeastern Missouri – to be a bit more specific. That means people around here who want to see it are hitting the road.

Chris Becker from Lee’s Summit said his children don’t remember the last eclipse – with Missouri in its path in 2017.

But this time, experience meets preparation for his three kids.

“We started planning this in 2017,” Becker said.

“We ended up kind of settling on going to St. Louis and then driving down to Jackson, Missouri which is supposed to have one of the longest eclipse times because it’s so close to totality,” Becker said.

His family – like others strategizing on social media – also has contingency plans for weather, heading north or south depending on cloud cover.

But a main question is why?

“When my youngest sees the sun and the shadow of the moon come through and he gets to see the stars during the daytime for the first time – and just seeing his reaction to that, that’s why I do it,” Becker said.

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