Dozens of car windows smashed in Shaw neighborhood

SOUTH ST. LOUIS — Frustration in the Shaw neighborhood of South St. Louis as neighbors woke up Sunday morning to find their car windows smashed.

Dozens of cars were damaged all throughout the neighborhood. People were seen cleaning up shattered glass from one parked vehicle to another. This was what people were dealing with Sunday morning along Magnolia off Klemm Street in the city’s Shaw neighborhood.

A neighbor who lives on the block says at least 30 cars were hit.

Magnolia was not the only hot spot. A car break-in victim tells us the break-ins happened on De-Tonty, Cleveland, Shaw, and 39th Street as well and said over 60 cars were hit.

It is not just how many vehicles were targets, but it is how they were hit. With some of these cars, the suspect or suspects smashed the window and put the glass on top of the car.

One woman says her car was broken into multiple times last week alone.
Another person FOX 2 spoke to says the crime caught her off guard.

The police do have some pointers on how to prevent vehicle thefts and break-ins, they encourage you to park in a well-lit area. Never leave your car running unattended, even if you’re warming it up or cooling it off.

Do not leave keys inside your car. Be aware of your surroundings, and report any suspicious activity to the police.

St. Louis police left blue cards on a lot of the vehicles, telling the victims who to contact to file a report.

One person who lives in that area tells FOX 2 that if there is any silver lining, it is that neighbors are looking out for each other and they are reporting any suspicious activity.

St. Louis police are urging anyone with information to contact the South Patrol division.

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