Disputes delay sidewalk repair in Washington Park

WASHINGTON PARK, Ill. – Trustees in the Metro East community of Washington Park answered accusations from the mayor that they prevented work from being completed on a horrible sidewalk.

FOX 2 recently visited a resident who is dealing with a sidewalk in front of her house that is so bad, she can hardly get out of her house.

Mayor Leonard Moore said he could get the problem fixed, but the Board of Trustees would not cooperate and give approval to receive the money from the state.

But one Trustee, Juliette Gosa, sees things differently.

“He needs to resign because that’s not true. That’s an ongoing situation that’s been like that for years. So if the mayor wanted to address that, he could have gotten with the trustees,” she said.

Other trustees, like Geneva Dotson, also disagreed with the mayor.

“If you can’t show me and the other trustees where the money is going, then we’re not okay with signing off on it,” Dotson said.

Dotson and other trustees don’t approve of the spending they accuse the mayor of. Meanwhile, resident Sheila Pigram continues to face the struggle of a damaged sidewalk.

“My problem with the sidewalk is I could walk through here anytime and have a seizure and just fall and bust my head; that is my concern,” Pigram said.

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