Critical Race Theory: Lawsuits & Cancelling Lincoln; Biden’s Immigration Woes | The Nation Speaks

In this episode of The Nation Speaks, we take a look at a Catholic school lawsuit; the cancellation of Abraham Lincoln; and what all this has in common with China. And finally, immigration, crime, and justice. What can we expect from the Biden administration.

01:04 – Mark McCloskey, principal of McCloskey Law Center in St. Louis, Missouri, on critical race theory in schools

17:31 – John Cribb, author of ‘Old Abe: A Novel’, on Facebook cancelling Abraham Lincoln

28:45 – Jason Ma, China politics commentator for NTD Chinese, on cancel culture and China’s social credit system

45:42 – Diane Dimond, columnist and author, on immigration, crime, justice under the Biden administration

Critical Race Theory: Lawsuits & Cancelling Lincoln; Biden’s Immigration Woes

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