Cori Bush’s $750k investment supports Urban League headquarters, plaza

ST. LOUIS – The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis received a large investment of federal dollars from Congresswoman Cori Bush’s office Friday.

The money was given for renovations and to help businesses start up near their new headquarters. Bush secured the funding of the Urban League’s Plaza property, which will support Black-owned small businesses.

A $750,000 check was presented to Michael McMillan, the president and CEO of Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis.

“It gives us the ability to begin renovations so that we’ll be able to get a better quality and higher level of retail, hopefully attract some national chains and some great local businesses as well, bring jobs and economic opportunity right here to this corner of Martin Luther King and Kingshighway,” McMillan said.

The new plaza will sit directly behind the Urban League headquarters.

“As a congresswoman, to look for federal dollars to be able to help them with not only being able to grow, but to also sustain the work they’re already doing. Because this work—as someone who has been there—this is life-transforming work,” Bush said.

The funding is part of the $18.4 million in 2023 community project funding that Bush secured.

“Our vision is to improve what you see here in inner city retail. People in the City of St. Louis go all over the place to buy goods and services that they could get right in their own neighborhoods,” McMillan said.

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