Cool front clears clouds, offers great summer day

ST. LOUIS — Clouds are clearing behind a cold front, and we’re in for a great summer day. The temperature will rise to the low 80s with minimal humidity. Monday will be another comfortable summer day, with highs once again in the low 80s and humidity staying low.

Overnight will be cool for this time of year and could come close to a record low. Our STL record low for July 1st is 56, set in 1937. Our forecast puts us in the upper 50s. Some models are trying to depict a complex of storms moving across western Missouri tomorrow, but they mostly dissipate as they reach the central part of the state.

We have dry air in place, so it should help those showers and storms fizzle out. We could see an increase in at least high cloud cover for Monday, so for now, we have updated the cloud forecast from mostly sunny to partly cloudy. Hotter weather returns on Tuesday, and rain chances return Wednesday through Friday as a cold front dips into our area and potentially stalls.

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